Friday 2 October 2015

Balouza Muhallabia

This is a creamy milk dessert, which is basically a fragrant milk pudding, from the Middle East. It is very easy to prepare and very very tasty too. One of my personal favourites!


1⁄2 cup cornflour
4 cups milk
1⁄2-1 cup sugar
1⁄4 cup rose water
2 drops of Vanilla Essence
1⁄4-1⁄2 cup pistachio nut/Almonds/ Cashews


Mix the cornflour with a little of the milk, to make a smooth paste, then (in a large heavy-bottomed pan) mix the paste with the rest of the milk and the sugar.
Stirring constantly and vigorously, bring the mixture to the boil slowly.
Lower the heat to as low as it will go, then simmer until the mixture thickens. Make sure you keep stirring thoroughly the whole time, or else the mixture will go lumpy and will stick and burn!
Test the thickness of the mixture. Drop a small blob onto a cold plate - if it holds its shape instead of spreading, then it is ready. Until then, keep heating and stirring for a while longer, then test again.
When thick, add the orange blossom water or rose water, stir throughly and cook for another couple of minutes.
Pour into a dish, allow to cool slightly, then decorate with chopped nuts, making pretty patterns.
Chill until serving (about two hours). Enjoy!

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