Monday 19 October 2015

Mysore Pak

This is a very sweet delicacy that has a truly heavenly taste. It is ssid to have originated in Mysore. It is bery simple to be made and even grownup kids can try a hand at it. The fact that it is made with gram flour and not maida makes it a heslthy sweet too. Enjoy.


Besan (kadala mavu) - 1/2 cup
Ghee - 1 cup
Refined oil - 1/4 cup
Sugar - 1 1/2 cup
Water - 1 cup


Sieve the besan to get rid of lumps
In a bowl add ghee and oil. Mix with a spoon and keep aside
Grease a pan or plate with ghee or oil and keep aside
Into a heavy bottomed pan (preferably non stick) add water and sugar .Let it boil in medium flame. Stir occassionaly. When it reaches one string consistency add the besan and stir well
When the besan is smooth and well combined with the sugar syrup, start adding the ghee- oil mix. Add little at a time (1/4 cup), mix well and then add the next batch, repeat until you finish the ghee- oil mix
With your spoon mix really well. When the mixture turns frothy immediately switch off the fire and pour into the greased pan. You dont have to flatten the top, it will spread by itself. Apply some more ghee on the top.
Let it cool a bit and then cut into your desired shape.. Soft melt in the mouth mysore pak is ready.

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