Sunday 13 September 2015

Hard boiled Egg with Baked Potatoes, Tomatoes and Olives

This is my version of a healthy and filling breakfast. It tastes twice great when butter is also used. But I opted it out because of the packed calories in it. The time taken for boiling an egg depends on each persons preference for its texture. I like it to be truly hard boiled and not runny or pulpy. Hence I usually boil it for 12 minutes.
Lemon Baked Potato
Lemon Baked Tomato
Salt to taste
Pepper to taste
Place eggs in a single layer in a saucepan filled with cold water. Water should cover eggs by one to two inches.
Boil the water
Bring the water to a full, rolling boil, and cover the saucepan. Turn off the stove, remove the pot from the burner, and let it stand, covered, for 12 minutes (set the timer).
Submerge the eggs in cold water
Drain the pot, and transfer the eggs to a bowl of cold water, to stop the cooking process.
Crack and peel the eggs
Tap each egg a few times to crack its shell, then roll it on a work surface to break the shell completely. Start peeling, dunking the egg into the bowl of water as you go to wash away any bits of shell.
Slice it vertically. Top reach slice with salt, pepper, baked potato and olives. It tastes best when eaten with baked tomatoes.

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